What inward sight illuminates our way –
Whose lucid eye can all the ages span –
To see the Mystic Law that holds its sway
Beyond the endless birth and death of Man?
The luminary moon, when night is done,
Still rules the tides, though the daylight hides it.
The lotus always turns to face the sun
And yet what blossom eye ever guides it?
The cross-eyed men with intellect adorn
Their intuitions – blind who lead the blind –
The common mortals – blind when they were born –
With doubtful eyes that Truth could never find.
We look – we stare – we gaze and gaze – but we,
With sightless eyes, forever fail to see.
~ Harley White
* * * * * * * * * *
Is time a spiral stairway that we climb
Whose unendingness we seek to borrow
To the last wrought syllable of our rhyme
Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow –
The fusion of the future with the past
In dizzying dimensions ever new
Which hurl us headlong in a void so vast
That what we view as false appears as true?
We must peer through bars forever blocking
Upon the threshold of our promised land –
At the gates of eternity knocking –
Outside we stand – albeit hand in hand.
Through the rush of time we’re ceaselessly swirled.
How heartless is the transience of this world!
~ Harley White
* * * * * * * * * *
When reflecting on the nature of mind
Of what wit or wisdom do we dare speak?
For the wind in the sky is all we find,
In a round and round game of hide and seek.
It’s mind over matter, sages surmise;
With power of mind as their driving force
Deductive logicians philosophize
From ‘We think, therefore we are...’ as the source.
We muse; we spin, in dreaming delusion,
Our webs of thought, until nought we behold,
And heady with sense, fall in confusion.
Or is yet the end of the story told?
As our labyrinth journey turns and twists,
We lose our way in miasmas and mists.
~ Harley White

The Hoodoos near Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia Credit: Gerhard Lenz