Empyrean Pantoum
While hosts of stars adorn the darkling night
beyond the coverlet of day’s embrace
neath firmament parading sparkling sight
with show of heavens’ mystifying face,
beyond the coverlet of day’s embrace
the lunar orb may spread translucent rays
with show of heavens’ mystifying face,
though borrowed from the sun’s secreted gaze.
The lunar orb may spread translucent rays
upon telluric lodging where we dwell,
though borrowed from the sun’s secreted gaze,
in casting of an otherworldly spell.
Upon telluric lodging where we dwell,
our mortal role is played within a dream
in casting of an otherworldly spell,
as guests of earth that pass through cosmic stream.
Our mortal role is played within a dream
neath firmament parading sparkling sight,
as guests of earth that pass through cosmic stream,
while hosts of stars adorn the darkling night.
~ Harley White
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The poem is a pantoum… A pantoum is a poem in a fixed form, consisting of a varying number of four-line stanzas with lines rhyming alternately; the second and fourth lines of each stanza are repeated to form the first and third lines of the succeeding stanza, with the first and third lines of the first stanza forming the second and fourth of the last stanza, but in reverse order, so that the opening and closing lines of the poem are identical.
Pantoum (Wikipedia)
Inspiration was derived from the teachings and writings of Nichiren Daishōnin…
The reason that we continually recite Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō
Image ~ Moon cosmos stars sky outer space universe starry sky clouds nature moonlight fantasy (PublicDomainPictures net)…

Credit: Moon cosmos stars sky outer space universe starry sky clouds nature moonlight fantasy (PublicDomainPictures net)
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