Acrostic for Nichiren


Nichiren, all that you say is true!

I’ve have seen your light; I will follow you,

Carry on sounding that phrase profound,

Hold to my faith, till death comes around!

I Nam devote my life, my I, to Myōhō the Utterness Dharma, pervaded by Renge the lotus-like workings of mutual cause and effect concurrently, in its Kyō inherent whereabouts of all manifold manifestations… aye… I recite this fathomless title and theme

Reverently, to awake from the dream…

Ever seeking enlightenment… so I go…

Nestled in Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō…

~ Harley White

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Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō means to devote our lives to and found them on (Nam[u]) the Utterness of the Dharma (Myōhō) [entirety of existence, enlightenment and unenlightenment] permeated by the underlying white lotus flower-like mechanism of the interdependence of cause, concomitancy and effect (Renge) in its whereabouts of the ten [psychological] realms of dharmas [which is every possible psychological wavelength] (Kyō).

The reason that we continually recite Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō

The photo is a section of the treatise by Nichiren Daishonin, titled "Risshō Ankoku Ron" (Securing the Peace of the Realm through the Establishment of the Correct Dharma), written by Nichiren (between 1258-1260 CE).

Risshō Ankoku Ron

Risshō Ankokuron, a Treasure of Japan, Nakayama Hokekyō-ji, Chiba, Japan.
This section is from a 16 m scroll including a strip with the title (立正安国論)
that becomes the title of the scroll when it is rolled up.


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