Starburst Celebration
In eighteen eighty-seven was found
by astronomer Lewis Swift
a seeming nebula to astound
with guise of glowing cloud adrift.
From Earth more than two million light-years
later studies showed it to be
a small ‘starburst’ type, so it appears,
of irregular galaxy.
Hubble suspected this could be a
part of what’s called the Local Group.
IC 10 in Cassiopeia
now is listed within that troop.
Lying quite near the Milky Way’s plane,
the interstellar matter dimmed
most x-ray sources under its reign,
which Chandra’s composite has limned.
Bill Snyder helped with illustration,
an amateur astronomer,
from his Heavens Mirror location,
hence credits bear his moniker.
With great and fast astral formation
its evolution’s dramatic.
An outcome of waves gravitation
would make scientists ecstatic!
Starburst is also name for flower
resembling the one in the sky
since its blooms erupt in a shower
of shooting shrubs that catch the eye.
Myriad marvels endlessly come
from Nature’s abundant array,
like raspberry flavor, scent of rum
at the middle of Milky Way.
Off into fantasy I am led
to saunter on poesy lane
where’er the lyrical footsteps thread
around my gossamer domain…
Over its strings the cosmos musing
strums a stellar symphonic strain
with ineffable art infusing
a celestial tonal refrain
that builds a bridge of wandering themes
to life’s auroral flushes faint
along wavering vistas of dreams
imbued with ethereal paint,
plus sounding depths of holey sockets
where dimensions are out of joint,
only to plunge in spacetime pockets
thus to fiddle with counterpoint.
Then cymbals crash in starburst thunder
as a fireworks celebration
brimming with stelliferous wonder,
virtuosic in creation
via infinity’s discernment.—
Meanwhile sentient beings mortal
ere they meet their earthly adjournment
still are seeking wisdom’s portal.—
Blackhole mergers could be occurring
inside galaxy IC 10
or neutron star boundaries blurring
with collapses beyond our ken.
The starburst nature is but a phase
in a galaxy’s unfolding.
Might mankind’s sight yet develop gaze
enlightened in its beholding?
Will humans their senses purify
to discover treasures within,
resplendent as stars that shine on high,
and deeper awareness begin?
Let us undertake the endeavor
of revealing true causal flow,
through utterness that lasts forever,
based on Nam Myoho Renge Kyo…
~ Harley White
* * * * * * * * * *
Inspiration derived from article and image IC 10: A Starburst Galaxy with the Prospect of Gravitational Waves...
Information about IC 10…...
Some poetic inspiration and paraphrasings from Prolog to Part First of The Vision of Sir Launfal (1848) ~ by James Russell Lowell…
Galaxy’s center tastes of raspberries and smells of rum, say astronomers...
Further inspiration derived from the teachings and writings of Nichiren Daishōnin…
Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō means to devote our lives to and found them on (Nam[u]) the Utterness of the Dharma (Myōhō) [entirety of existence, enlightenment and unenlightenment] permeated by the underlying white lotus flower-like mechanism of the interdependence of cause, concomitancy and effect (Renge) in its whereabouts of the ten [psychological] realms of dharmas [which is every possible psychological wavelength] (Kyō).
The reason that we continually recite Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō
IC 10: A Starburst Galaxy with the Prospect of Gravitational Waves ~ with image and video A Quick Look at IC 10...
Image data ~ This new composite image of IC 10 combines X-ray data from Chandra (blue) with an optical image (red, green, blue) taken by amateur astronomer Bill Snyder from the Heavens Mirror Observatory in Sierra Nevada, California. The X-ray sources detected by Chandra appear as a darker blue than the stars detected in optical light. Color Code ~ X-ray (Blue); Optical (Red, Green, Blue)…

Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/UMass Lowell/S.Laycock et al. Optical: Bill Snyder Astrophotography
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